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Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs

You can be reimbursed for costs resulting from participating in job search or employment promoting services.

Self-motivated study subsidised with an unemployment benefit

Support for self-motivated studies allows you to study and receive unemployment benefit if the studies promote your employment.

Start-up grant

Start-up grant promotes new business activities and employment. It secures the entrepreneur's livelihood during the early stages of entrepreneurship.

Subsidy for arranging working conditions

Employers can receive a subsidy for arranging working conditions if they are hiring or already have an employee with partial work ability.

Training trial

Training trial lets you explore vocational studies and assess your suitability for the field.

Vocational guidance and career planning

Vocational guidance and career planning services help unemployed and employed clients in career choices and professional development.

Work try-out

Work try-out is a service that promotes the employment of individuals at a workplace and supports their return to the labour market.